About us
Brendan Sweeney, Owner/Operator of Safety First is a qualified and certified Drug and Alcohol Tester. He has had significant work experience across a range of industries. He was a Jockey for 26 years before moving into scaffolding and rigging positions within the Mining, Oil and Gas, and Marine fields. Brendan, and the team at Safety First, adhere to Australian Standards AS/NZ standard 4308:2008 and AS standard 4760:2006. Safety First guarantee their knowledge and experience in a number of industry sectors will ensure an organisation is well advised and informed when it comes to the requirements for Drug and Alcohol Testing for employees. This includes pre-employment drug and alcohol testing which is becoming an increasingly important part of recruitment procedures in a number of workplaces.
Safety First has a qualified professional team to support an organisation with their drug and alcohol screening and testing requirements. The testing can take place at workplaces or at an individual’s home if that is the requirement, and at an arranged time, Safety First work across the Adelaide and Darwin Surrounds. Safety First’s procedures and systems ensure their service is very professional and completed in a manner that is non-disruptive, coupled with providing a cost-effective solution to the workplace; for lab results the turnaround can be done within a 48 to 72 hour period.
Brendan is able to advise and help workplaces decide on the type of drug testing that they feel is most appropriate for their environment, whether that be taking urine samples or oral fluid (saliva) samples. As Safety First has had experience across a range of industries they are able to confidently say that they have seen first-hand the benefits that drug and alcohol testing can have in a workplace.
The benefits that have been reported by various workplaces Safety First has contracted with are improved productivity of workers, a great guarantee that there will be a lower rate of absenteeism in the workplace and less risk that workplace accidents will occur. Other financial benefits for workplaces that regularly screen their employees for alcohol and drugs are lower insurance and work cover premiums due and lower staff turnover.
At Safety First, Brendan and his team’s drive to support workplace safety through mobile drug and alcohol testing is underpinned by a set of core values which it demonstrates in its services. These values are:
Simplicity: drug and alcohol testing for workplaces that is simple in its operation, convenient, efficient and cost-effective.
Integrity: drug and alcohol testing strictly carried out following the organisations’s Drug and Alcohol Policy and Procedures and adherence to the Australian standards AS/NZ 4308:2008 and AS 4760: 2006, workplace health and safety legislation and best practice.
Performance: achieving excellent outcomes for every organisation that Safety First works with.
Accountability: defining and accepting responsibility and delivery on Safety First’s commitment to be the Mobile Drug and Alcohol Testing Provider of Choice in Adelaide and Perth Surrounds.
Respect: embracing trust, diversity, teamwork and relationships that are mutually beneficial.